The original functional food.
It all started when I discovered a recipe for something called cowboy cookies. Any and all cookies are a win in my book but what's a better combo than oats, chocolate, pecans, coconut + cinnamon? I'd wake up and reach for one with my coffee because, if we're being honest, nothing can make you feel more like an outlaw than a cookie for breakfast. Coming from a nutrition background, I did realize this was impractical. But then I'd reach for my "certified healthy" bar and while I knew I was getting a decent dose of protein and minimal sugar, I was always left wanting more. Where was the fun? The yee and the haw?
Why can't a bar keep my energy even-keeled that I actually enjoy? So I set out to create a snack filled with nutrient dense ingredients (and a taste still satisfying enough to give you that rebel feeling if you ate it for breakfast).
I later found out that cowboy cookies were originally named because the wholesome combination could fuel long trips on horseback. In a way, they were the original energy bar, the original functional food.
Or, as we like to say, the whole kit and caboodle.

We run our business like human beings living on our only planet. This belief includes mindful sourcing, committed customer service + general humanity.

Just because you're on-the-go doesn't mean you have to rush. Even the simplest moments can be opportunities to reset, especially when those moments include good people, open spaces + great snacks.

Despite what they say, you don't have to have everything figured out after your first rodeo. Life is a ride and sometimes you need chocolate at 10 AM. It's not that serious.